Course Description

Trade-based money laundering is a sophisticated method used by criminals to move illicit funds through the international trade system. This introductory course will provide an overview of how TBML schemes work, the risks they pose to international businesses and financial institutions, and the red flags and techniques to detect and prevent these schemes. Real-world examples and case studies will highlight key lessons and offer practical insights into TBML mitigation strategies.

Sarah Middleton

The course instructors are a distinguished panel of experts curated by the International Trade Council, comprising professors and professionals with extensive experience in various facets of international trade. Our team includes seasoned practitioners in banking, trade finance, international trade, and logistics and supply chain management. With a wealth of expertise and industry knowledge, our instructors bring a diverse range of perspectives to the course, ensuring that participants receive comprehensive and insightful guidance tailored to the intricacies of global trade.

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  • Understand the key methods used in TBML schemes and their impact on international trade.
  • Identify red flags and high-risk areas in trade transactions that may indicate TBML.
  • Gain knowledge of regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements for preventing TBML.
  • Learn best practices for due diligence and risk mitigation in international trade.
  • Analyze real-world examples and case studies to understand the consequences of failing to detect TBML.

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